Sunday, July 10, 2011

ipads as reference centers

I've purchased ipads for my high school and middle school libraries to use as reference centers.  The kids and teachers haven't used most of the reference materials for years at my schools so I plan to use the ipads as reference centers and only replace a few of the printed materials.  I plan to download a variety of items to the ipads including the homepages of our online resources, the Audobon materials, periodic table, calculation tools, a couple encyclopedias and almanacs, etc.  What other resources do you think I should consider for these devices?  There are some great encyclopedia apps out there!  We can also include some digital books and audiobooks.  I see it as a way to offer a greater variety of up to date material.

I am excited to use them as reference materials and think that kids and teachers will increase usage.


  1. This is a brilliant idea! I'll be interested to hear how it works. How many did you buy?

  2. Sounds great! Are you planning to tie them down in some way? I just hate to spend money on reference books and have them sit there unused. Part of the problem with reference at my last school was that the high school and middle school students didn't have study halls. They had a block schedule and everyone had a resource period at the end of the day (which became mostly a talking period because with block schedules you almost have to give the kids time to work.)
